Tami T

Tami T ’s sound leaves you charmed at once. It is catchy pop along with very sincere and melancholic lyrics. Tami T has created their own musical instrument which they wear as a strap-on and play percussion with.

Their participation in the soundtrack of the film ‘Something Must Break’ gave a unique sound and sensation to the film, which would have not been the same without its music.

Tami T Facebook Page

Ms Vaginal Davis

Ms Vaginal Davis is a performer, filmmaker and musician. Vaginal is the key proponent of the disruptive performance aesthetic known as terrorist drag. Disrupting the cultural assimilation of gay-oriented and corporate-friendly drag, she positions herself at an uncomfortable tangent to the conservative politics of gay culture, mining its contradictory impulses to interrupt the entrenchment of its assimilatory strategies. A self-labeled ‘sexual repulsive’, Ms Davis consistently refuses to ease conservative tactics within gay and black politics, employing punk music, invented biography, insults, self-mockery and repeated incitements to group sexual revolt – all to hilarious and devastating effect. 

She has been in films of various enfant terribles of queer cinema, such as Bruce LaBruce and Rosa VonPraunheim. At Gender Fest she will present a flamboyant performative lecture/screening, showing us some of her personal work.

Amos Mac

Amos Mac lives and works in Los Angeles as a photographer, producer, writer and publisher. He is the founder of trans male print magazine, ‘Original Plumbing’. He is featured in the 2016 HBO documentary, ‘The Trans List’, has been honoured on the OUT 100, TRANS 100, and was named ‘one of 10 Transgender Artists Who Are Changing The Landscape Of Contemporary Art’ by ‘Huffington Post’.



Original Plumbing by Amos Mac – GenderFest Blog

Del LaGrace Volcano @ Gender Fest 27 Jan. 2017

Del LaGrace Volcano

Del LaGrace Volcano is a gender variant visual artist and cultural producer working with the body and gender/sexual identity notions for both social, political and personal purposes. According to the ‘Encyclopedia of LGBTQI culture’, Del is known as ‘one of instigators of polymorphous perverse queer culture’. Del has produced four monographs, ‘Love Bites’ (1991), ‘The Drag King Book’ (with Jack/Judith Halberstam, 1999), ‘Sublime Mutations’ (2000) and ‘Sex Works’ (2005), and has also been cited and reproduced in numerous publications, journals and books on visual art and queer and feminist theory. Del’s latest short videos include, ‘GENDER QUEER: Qu’est-ce que c’est?’ 2005, ‘The Passionate Spectator’ 2003 and ‘Journey Intersex’ 2000. At Gender Fest Del will give us a performative visual lecture talking about and showing images from their ongoing collaborative project VISIBLY INTERSEX and sharing their lived experience as an intersex parent, a Mapa. 


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“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.”